What's a Tract?
Updated: Aug 11, 2022
You always hear of Christians handing out tracts, but what even is that? I was thought that maybe it was a cassette tape that you handed out or a CD or recorded sermons. I had no idea exactly what it was!
But I found out that tracks are actually a really useful tool in ministry! They are short pamphlets or books that are extremely easy to read and fit in the pocket nicely. They tell the gospel in a short and easy to understand way and usually have information on how to contact somebody if they have any questions.
Today, I folded almost 200 of these accordion style tracks. Although this seems like such a small and unimportant role, it may be the very piece of paper that brings someone to Jesus!
These tracks can be purchased in the bookstore and I believe they are only $0.40 each. They are an amazing way to share Jesus in a simple way, and I get to be part of that!