Thank You
Updated: Jul 19, 2022
“Thank you” cards can be used for anything!
They can be an encouragement as you're telling someone that you appreciate them. They can build someone up by letting them know that they did something wonderful. It can be a small little thanks for something that no one would have otherwise noticed. Thank you cards are a beautiful way of giving someone the recognition they deserve.
Over the last little while I've been tasked with designing a thank you card.
It was something that I was able to be creative with and have free range over. I didn't know what to do or where to start. But when I started thinking about the word thank you I also thought about flowers and how flowers are a wonderful way to show some one that you appreciate them.
So, I found a photo of three flowers and traced it and got to work making them my own.
This thank you cards will now be used throughout the mission to give appreciation to those who need it. There are so many people who go unrecognized but need to hear that they are appreciated and that what they do is important.
Who will you send you thank you card to?
I urge you to send a thank you card to someone who has been spiritually helpful to you lately.
I recommend that you give a thank you card to your parents as a recognition that you appreciate everything that they have done for you.
I suggest that you give a thank you card to someone who has taught you something new lately.
And I encourage you to give a thank you card to your other half. I thank you for all of that they do because sometimes that slips through the cracks.
Be thankful and encourage one another!