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Linsey Yanke

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

Ministry doesn't start with an idea; it starts with a heart for people.

Sandy, the lady that contacted us to do a poster for the youth group she will be starting has a heart for the youth and young people in her community. She will be hosting youth group almost every Friday night and she is not going to tell any of the youth what even they are doing. Why? Because she wants them to come for God, not for the fun.

Sandy's heart is to show the youth that there is hope in Jesus Christ.

I may have just sat at a desk to design the poster, but it is more than a poster.

The poster is a tool for Sandy to let her community know about the youth group that will be going on in order to share the gospel with them. This poster could be the difference in one life, and that makes all the time worth it.


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20a



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