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Teen Camp - Pine Ridge 2022

Linsey Yanke

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Who knew that Bible camp could be so exhausting! Apparently everyone but me!

In July I spent one week at Pine Ridge Bible camp during teen week! It was an absolutely amazing experience that I would not trade for the world! (But I don't think I'm cut out to make it a whole summer)

It was me and a lady named Arlene that headed our beautiful cabin up on the hill overlooking the lake. Neither of us have ever let a cabin before, and neither of us had much camp experience in general!

But that definitely didn't stop us from following God's call to be there!

We had 6 teen girls ranging from 13 years old to 16. All of them had extremely different personalities!

Here's how you can pray for each one!

(Names have been changed for confidentiality)

Candice - this young girl struggles a lot with identity. She puts on a mask of makeup and changes her name so that people do not see the real Candice. By the end of the week we started to see who she truly was. The makeup became less and less each and every day that we were at camp as she became more comfortable with who we were and knew that we wouldn't judge her true self. She started revealing some of the hurt that she feels (the reason why she hides behind her made up identity). Pray that she finds her identity in Christ and knows her true worth is from him and not from those around us.

Jolene - being the oldest in our cabin, she comes with her head held high bearing all of the responsibility at home. She is very pretty and wears a lot of makeup to hide the fact that she's hurting. She straightens her hair everyday and puts on her fake eyelashes. And deep down she struggles because all of her friends have babies and she is the one that comes alongside them to support them. Her little brother's, are left at home for her to babysit for a couple weeks at a time. Her home life is split up all over Saskatchewan and she doesn't really have a place that is called home. She is in the system and where she is living is trying to get rid of her. She is looking for a place to call home. She is looking for a family. Pray that she finds her comfort in God. Pray that she finds family and support at church. Pray that she has a mentor that can come alongside her and show her what true love and true family is.

Janelle - this young girl doesn't necessarily have the rough family life that most of the other girls in the cabin have. But that does not mean that she doesn't come with her own hurt. She understands who the Lord is but still refuses to put her trust in him because she has seen other Christians still have hurt in their lives. Pray that she looks beyond others experiences and looks to the Lord for her trust and her own experience.

Ali - Ali comes from a Catholic background where no one truly follows the Lord and a tense church only on the big holidays. All these struggles with her identity and is pulled every which way. She is very mean and her attempts to be funny. She has a want and a desire to know the Lord but has no true foundation to know how. Pray that someone comes into her life to show her what being a Christian means and how to follow the lord faithfully! She memorized over 30 verses in the five days of camp!

Brianna - she is very shy when you first meet her, but has the largest brightest smile that can make your day! She didn't open up a whole lot at camp so I don't know the biggest things to be praying for her. But either way pray that she comes to know Jesus as her Lord and savior!

Mia - Mia has severe FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) and asks a lot younger than she is. She struggles with basic responsibility and doesn't understand consequences to actions. She likes to blame everyone else and make things up. She is very hard to work with most of the time, but when she's in a good mood she is such a joy!! She is silly and goofy and like playing tricks! Pray that someone patient can come alongside her and help her grow in her faith. She believes in the Lord and I do believe that she puts her trust in him but doesn't really know what that means. So pray that someone can explain it to her in a way that she understands.

These were all of my girls and they were all such a blessing to have met! Please pray for each and every one of them!


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20a



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