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Five Years Ago...

Linsey Yanke

It has been five years.

Five years of following Jesus.

Five years of growing as a person.

Five years of growing in my faith.

Five years since I’ve been baptized.

October 29 marks 5 years.

Five years ago, I was in a spot of desperation. I knew I needed Jesus in my life, but I was so completely lost. I started going to church, praying and reading my bible, and having a relationship with my heavenly father. I was in a spot where all I could feel was darkness. It gripped me for years, but I was only starting to recognize that. So, I pushed through to find Him and what Hos love for me trully meant.

Five years ago, I met an amazing man named Jordan that asked me tough questions. He asked, “why are you running away from God?” and “Why don’t you jump into your faith? What are you waiting for?”. This same man has encouraged me for the last five years and hopefully for many more to come.

Five years ago, my sister was getting baptized. I said, “I couldn’t be baptized yet. I still smoke and drink and use swear words. I’m not a very good Christian”. That same man reminded me that Jesus came for the sick, not the healthy. He came for those that didn’t have it all together. So, I decided I would get baptized too.

Five years ago, God put it on my heart to start a youth group. I studied for hours daily to ensure I didn’t teach anything wrong or heretical. We talked about love vs. lust. We discussed the wilderness. We explored who God is. We had fun, ate junk food, laughed, danced, sang, and had a blast. We also went to Nipawin Bible College’s three-60-five (a youth retreat).

Four and a half years ago, I decided I needed to attend Bible college. I did not want to teach the youth wrong. I went and learned. I learned how to read my bible. I learned how to stay faithful to God and not wonder. I learned the necessity of having a mentor. I also went into a very dark spot. I felt sad. I felt lonely. I met Caylea an NCEM missionary. I went to Regina for mission experience to check out what inner city missions would look like. We had bon fires, rode the love bus, and shared in fellowship with one another.

Three and a half years ago, I moved back to Regina to help Caylea with an inner-city youth group. I started a job with Youth for Christ in their group homes and worked with girls 12-16. I fell in love with my girls, and my heart hurt for them. My brain started fogging, and my mental health started to go downhill. Doing ministry in a government funded house was hard because there were so many restrictions on how you can show God's love to these youth.

Youth Group:

Youth for Christ:

Three years ago, I had to take a break. I got counselling and took two months off work. I got healthy. I got my relationship right with God and worked on coping mechanisms. I learned about my worth and who I was/am in God’s sight. I learned how much He loves me and cares for me, so much so that He sent His Son to die for me. I knew this, but I learned it in my heart rather than just my mind.

Two and a half years ago, I got a new job working in a furnace filter warehouse. I organized, sold, shipped, and received furnace filters. This gaave me alot of time to listen to podcasts about God, Godly music, my audio Bible, and Christian E-books while at my work. I grew in knowledge, wisdom and physical health.

Two years ago, because I had a more consistent job in the filter industry, Jordan and I starting doing a Young Adults Bible Study. We had over 25 different individuals come out and a core group of 5 of us showed up almost weekly. We tried to go out and do fun activities to spend time in fellowship one every month or two as well.

Six months ago, I made the decision to become a full-time missionary as God has prompted my heart to do. I talked with Caylea about NCEM. I spoke with her parents (the directors) about NCEM. I talked with Jordan about this decision. This is where I was supposed to be.

Four months ago, I moved to Prince Albert for my One-year Internship. I've worked at Tribal Trails, in the Print Shop, worked at Pine Ridge Bible Camp and also dabbled in the finance department. I've joined a womens volleyball team, started a young adults bible study, and will possible be doing some hockey on the weekeneds.

Five years ago, this road for me to become a full-time missionary spreading God’s truth to those living in the same darkness that gripped me had started. I know that darkness, but I also now know the answer. I know Jesus is the only way. He is the only way to true healing. He is the only way to know true love. He is the only way to be walking in light.

God can do a lot in five years. I can only imagine what He will do in the next five.


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20a



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