Bringing it all Together
This week I was fortunate enough to be able to bring my past skills of photography and new skills in the bookstore together.
On the online bookstore we sell a lot of things including sweaters! We just got a brand-new shipment in and needed some photos, so people knew what they are buying. I was given this glorious task!
I took my camera and went outside and did a sweater photo shoot (which I have never done). I had a lot of fun and I think they came out well! Although this seems so minuscule, these sweaters will be shipped all over Canada and even in some placers in the states. With their tribal Trail gear, someone may ask “what is that” and then toon in! Who knows, maybe that will be the one thing that bring them to Jesus! Behind the scenes work always seems to get forgotten, but remember, just because you don’t see the fruit doesn’t mean there isn’t any! Link to the bookstore if your interested: