Bible Study Update + Call to Action
It's 10:00 PM on Wednesday and I just got home from dropping off three young adults after Bible study. I'm tired, my brain hurts from answering questions, my body is ready for sleep, but my mind and spirit are electrified!
Tonight we had our biggest group yet! We had nine people with one of our regulars gone. All of these young people are starting to become regulars, attending two or more times in a row. They're not only becoming regulars, but they are becoming part of the body of Christ!
Since the start of our Bible study in September, we've been going through the book of Matthew. We have learned where Jesus comes from (His genealogy and His diety), the importance of repentance and baptism, how to deal with temptation, that we have a purpose and our purpose is to shine our light, and now we are going through how to shine our light practically through Jesus' teaching, "the Sermon on the Mount."
Through all of our Bible studies, we have learned together, laughed together, and even cried together, working through trauma, talking about abuse, and learning about forgiveness and reconciliation through the lens of following Jesus Christ.
Our group is slowly growing, but it has nothing to do with the group itself. Its not because we are fun, or accepting, or tollerant or whatever the world tells us you need. The growth of this group has everything to do with Jesus working through people and softening hearts. We have seen change, we have seen breakthrough, and we have seen genuine repentance. Nine people may not be big, but God is working in every single one of us. Yes, us. Not just those that I teach, but myself included. Every week I study for Bible study and learn so much more about who my Saviour is and His plan for me!
We are all growing in our faith, in our knowledge, and in our friendship! The young adults who attend all thoight they were serving Christ alone. They didn't realize there were other First Nations young adults serving the Lord in Prince Albert. They have learned that they are not the only ones! But not only are they not alone, they can now come together and encourage each other! Because we do things outside of the Bible Study evening, those friendships have formed between people who never even met previously. I've learned tonight that some of them call each other outside of Bible study to ask each other to pray. When I learned this, my heart melted!
I'm so thankful that God blessed me in being able to walk alongside these young adults in their faith! Please join me in praying for each and every one of them. There is still hurt, there is still depression, there is still trauma and abuse. God is the only one that can help these young adults work through it. Pray that the Lord continues to heal them and continues to work in their lives. Pray that God continues to change them to be an outward light and reflection of who Christ is. Also pray for someone to come up to continue discipling when I move back to Regina in June.
As I mentioned, a big part of growing friendships within this group is having fwllowship time outside of our regular Bible Study nights. This month, March 25th, we will be going to Saskatoon as a young adult group!
We will be going to the Bible bookstore for the young adults who want a Bible to pick out their very own! Some mention that they want a study Bible so they can have a commentary as they read. Some have mentioned that they would love a Bible that has lines so they can write and journal in it! There's one young adult that really wants one of those art Bibles that you can draw in! Because we are going all the way to Saskatoon to get these Bible's, we thought that we would make a trip out of it! We will also go go-karting and playing Mini golf! Each young adult will have to pay a small amount for fuel ($10 each to the person driving them) and for their own supper, but the rest will be provided (due to lack of finances of their end). This trip was originally planned when we only had six young adults (including myself and another intern) attending. Now that we have 10, we will need to borrow the mission van as well as have another vehicle! Isn't that such a blessing?!
It will cost around $100-$150 per young adult! Around $50-$60 for a good quality Bible, $30 Go-Karting, $15 for mini-golf with a little bit of wiggle room. We currently have 5 of our 10 Young Adults covered for this event.
If you would like to help pay for these Bibles or for the day itself, you can see all your giving options by going to:
Please indicate that the donation will be going to me, Linsey Yanke, and if possible, make a note about Young Adults!
You can also send a cheque to:
Box 3030
Prince Albert, Sk
S6V 7V4
Support for the young adults goes to:
Fuel and vehicle maintenance to pick them up on Wednesday evenings for Bible study
Snacks and drinks while doing Bible Study
Higher quality Bible of their choice
Fuel for the Saskatoon trip (57¢ a km in mission van)
Some help to cover Saskatoon expenses
Thank You for all your support and prayers!